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Maximizing Business Benefits with Strategic AI Implementation; 10 Practical examples

Artificial intelligence (AI) allows machines to understand their surroundings, learn, and make decisions in a way that resembles the human brain. AI is enabling machines to become more intelligent each day. In this article we will see how business benefits with strategic AI implementation.

business benefits
Maximizing Business Benefits with Strategic AI Implementation; 10 Practical examples

Despite common portrayals of AI as potential malevolent overlords, it is evident that AI is making a valuable and constructive contribution to the world, particularly in the realm of business, once you dispel the hype and sci-fi predictions.

You may already be aware of how businesses are utilizing AI in the following ways:
  • Smart assistants, such as Siri and Alexa
  • Chatbots for customer service or helpdesk support
  • Facial recognition technology, like what Facebook uses
  • Personalized recommendations on platforms like Amazon and Netflix.

In this article, I will discuss some additional examples of AI in business that you may not have encountered previously. These examples can be broadly classified into two categories:

  • enhancing customer experience with intelligent products and services
  • optimizing business operations

Read More: How AI benefits businesses


Here are 10 practical examples of how Business Benefits with Strategic AI Implementation:

Smart, AI-enabled products and services Examples

The following are examples of products and services that use AI to enhance their functionality:

  1. Roomba robot vacuums: These cute little vacuum cleaners scan the room using AI to detect obstacles and determine how much cleaning is needed based on the room size. They also remember the most efficient routes around the room.
  2. Twitter: The platform uses AI to identify and remove hate speech, fake news, and illegal content. In a six-month period, nearly 300,000 terrorist accounts were removed with the help of AI.
  3. Instagram: To fight cyberbullying and offensive comments, the platform uses AI to identify and take down inappropriate content.
  4. Betterment robo-advisors: Betterment is one of the pioneers in the field of robo-advisors, which are online financial advisors that use AI to provide personalized financial advice in a cost-effective manner. This innovation promises to democratize financial planning.
  5. Nest smart thermostats: These thermostats monitor the occupants’ behavior patterns to dynamically adjust the temperature of the home for maximum comfort without wasting energy. If you’ve ever been frustrated by high energy bills, this product may be for you.

5 Examples of smarter business operations

Smarter business operations are revolutionizing industries across the globe. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, companies are increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and improving customer experiences. Here are five examples of businesses that are using technology to enhance their operations:

  1. Siemens AG, one of the world’s largest railway infrastructure providers, uses IoT and AI technology to improve train reliability. By predicting when parts and machinery require servicing, Siemens is able to repair assets before they break down, reducing downtime and providing rail operators with uptime guarantees.
  2. KenSci’s risk prediction platform uses AI to identify fraudulent healthcare claims. By analyzing data, the system was able to identify over $1 million in fraudulent claims from just one dataset, reducing healthcare costs for everyone.
  3. Dominos and Just Eat are trialling Starship Technology’s automated delivery robots for short-distance deliveries. The small vehicles have a top speed of 10 mph, making them more cost-effective and efficient than traditional delivery trucks and cars.
  4. IBM’s Chef Watson tool uses AI to suggest innovative flavor combinations and help chefs develop recipes. This allows restaurants to create new and exciting dishes, enhancing the customer experience.
  5. Burberry is using AI to combat counterfeit products and improve the customer experience. By analyzing customer data, the company is able to provide a more personalized shopping experience for each customer, increasing customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Businesses are using AI to delight their customers and improve operations, as demonstrated by the exciting examples mentioned earlier. It’s clear that AI will continue to have a wider and more significant impact on business in the years to come. We can expect to see many more examples of AI implementation in various industries.


Strategic Approach to AI: Maximizing Business Benefits

To effectively use AI for improving your business operations or enhancing customer satisfaction, it’s crucial to adopt a strategic approach. This involves developing a dedicated AI strategy that outlines how you plan to leverage AI and the steps you’ll take to implement that plan, independent of your data strategy. Furthermore, applying AI strategically means aligning it with your company-wide objectives. In other words, you need to identify what your organization wants to accomplish and how AI can aid in achieving those goals.

When you follow a strategic approach, you can concentrate your AI efforts on areas that will have the most significant impact on your business. If you require any assistance with AI implementation, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I have helped several renowned organizations create their AI strategies, and I’m ready to help your business adopt a strategic approach to AI.

AI’s Business Benefits Across Industries

In addition to the examples discussed earlier, it’s important to note that AI is providing significant Business Benefits to companies across various industries. Chatbots are using AI to provide personalized Business Benefits for helpdesk support, while facial recognition technology is aiding in efficient Business Benefits of customer identification.

Personalized recommendations on platforms like Amazon and Netflix are increasing Business Benefits and sales, and AI-enabled products like Roomba vacuums and Nest thermostats are improving Business Benefits of functionality and reducing energy costs.

Social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram are using AI to identify and remove inappropriate Business Benefits content, and financial advisors like Betterment are democratizing Business Benefits of financial planning through AI. Companies like Siemens and KenSci are using AI to increase Business Benefits of efficiency and reduce costs.

To effectively use AI for improving your business operations or enhancing customer satisfaction, it’s crucial to adopt a strategic approach. AI strategic planning can maximize Business Benefits by identifying areas of impact and aligning with company-wide objectives. By adopting a strategic approach to AI, businesses can reap Business Benefits in improving their operations and enhancing customer satisfaction.



In conclusion, artificial intelligence (AI) is a valuable and constructive contribution to the world, particularly in the realm of business. AI allows machines to understand their surroundings, learn, and make decisions in a way that resembles the human brain. With AI, businesses are enhancing customer experiences with intelligent products and services and optimizing their operations. Examples of AI in business include smart assistants, chatbots, facial recognition technology, personalized recommendations, and Roomba robot vacuums.

Companies are also using AI to improve train reliability, identify fraudulent healthcare claims, automate deliveries, develop innovative flavor combinations, combat counterfeit products, and provide a more personalized shopping experience. To effectively use AI, businesses need to adopt a strategic approach that aligns AI with their company-wide objectives. By doing so, they can concentrate their AI efforts on areas that will have the most significant impact on their business.


Expert in the AI field. He is the founder of aidigitalx. He loves AI.