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AI in Network Orchestration, Spending and Growth Forecast 2024-2028

Spending on AI by telecoms for automating network management will rise over 240% by 2028 to $20 billion, as 5G and 6G expand and AI becomes essential for optimizing performance and security.
Network Orchestration / aidigitalx
Network Orchestration / Illustration | aidigitalx

A new report published on February 12th, 2024 by Juniper Research predicts rapid growth in telecom operators’ use of artificial intelligence to manage and optimize networks. Authored by market data analyst Fred Savage, the report forecasts that total spend on AI solutions will reach $5.9 billion globally in 2024, increasing over 240% to $19.9 billion by 2028.


AI Set to Revolutionize Network Orchestration Over Next 5 Years

Juniper’s analysis evaluates the market potential for leveraging AI in areas like network performance, automation, security, predictive maintenance, and customer support. It provides a comprehensive view of adoption trends across 60 countries, identifying leading markets based on consumer readiness, infrastructure, enterprise demand, affordability, and government regulation.

The study highlights the benefits AI can offer operators in scaling networks, ensuring stability, and improving customer experiences. As networks become more complex with 5G, IoT, and new services, AI will be essential for efficiently coordinating resources across physical and virtual infrastructure. Juniper sees particular promise in using machine learning for automated traffic routing, capacity forecasting and intrusion detection.

The report identifies the solutions vendors best positioned to capitalize on AI network orchestration opportunities over the next five years. Juniper evaluated over 12 suppliers across criteria such as capability, platform scope, R&D commitment and market presence. Top rankings went to Huawei, Nokia, Cisco, IBM and AWS.


In terms of geographic markets, Juniper pinpoints the United States, China, Japan and Western Europe as having an edge in early AI adoption. However, high growth rates are forecast across emerging markets as well, with Asia Pacific seen as the fastest growing region globally.

Across the board, those making strategic AI investments now are expected to gain significant competitive advantages as network automation becomes imperative in the coming years. With comprehensive market sizing and forecasts until 2028, Juniper’s report enables operators and vendors to accurately benchmark growth plans against industry trends on this transformative technology.

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Adam Small
Adam Small

Adam Small is an experienced writer around the AI industry. Aiming to bridge the AI knowledge gap.