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Steve Rick

Steve Rick

Steve Rick is an AI researcher and author. He specializes in natural language processing(NLP). He published articles on the transformative power of AI.
Generative AI; Emerging AI Trends for 2024

Emerging AI Trends for 2024

The year 2024 is poised to witness a remarkable surge in the evolution and integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into our daily lives. As we delve deeper into this AI-driven era, it’s crucial to remain prepared for the impending changes…

AI Expert Preparing for the AI Job Market: 5 Skills You Can't Do Without

Preparing for the AI Job Market: 5 Skills You Can’t Do Without

In a recent survey, it was revealed that a significant 22 percent of full-time American workers harbor concerns about AI negatively impacting their careers. From reducing salaries to outright job replacement, these fears are real, and they demand proactive measures.…

Video Editing How AI is Changing Tech in North America

How AI is Changing Tech in North America

Easy Video Making with AI: Changing the Tech Industry Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing things in different areas, including the tech industry in North America. One cool thing that AI does is make videos using computers. This is really changing…

Microsegmentation Artificial Intelligence Boosts Micro-segmentation for Stronger Security

Artificial Intelligence Boosts Micro-segmentation for Stronger Security

What is Micro-Segmentation? Micro-segmentation refers to a network security approach that allows security experts to logically divide a data center into specific security sections, going as far as the individual workload level. Within these divisions, unique security controls and services…

Students using laptop How AI Helps Students: Asheville Schools Use ChatGPT

How AI Helps Students: Asheville Schools Use ChatGPT

Asheville Schools Embrace AI Tool ChatGPT to Enhance Classroom Learning Local schools in Asheville are using a special computer program called ChatGPT. This program is part of a kind of technology called artificial intelligence (AI). It helps students learn better…

AI, Tech Background

Nutanix Launches ‘GPT-in-a-Box’ to Teach AI

Nutanix Releases GPT-in-a-Box for Easy Adoption Nutanix has introduced something called “Nutanix GPT-in-a-Box.” This is a tool that helps people use AI more easily. It’s like setting up a playground for AI and teaching it new things. The idea is…

AI, Tech Background

AI is Changing How We Search for Things

How artificial intelligence (AI) Make Finding Stuff Easier As we enter a new decade, it’s clear that artificial intelligence (AI) has greatly influenced how we find and use information. Looking ahead, this influence will continue to grow and change the…