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What's Happening with AI in 2024?

What’s Happening with AI in 2024?

AI is like a super-fast learner this year, becoming smarter in handling images, videos, and texts—chatbots will soon be multitasking wizards, doing math, solving problems, and even helping robots work better.
AI Highlights from 2023

AI Highlights from 2023

In 2023, AI advanced in medicine, aiding the visually impaired and businesses. Big names like Google, Apple, and Microsoft integrated AI widely, impacting search, health, and tech industries significantly.
Data fuels AI and AI generates Data

Data fuels AI and AI generates Data

Data serves as the lifeblood of AI, while AI acts as the catalyst for data. Data and AI share a symbiotic relationship, with data fueling AI and AI generating data. These two elements are mutually dependent, as data shapes AI, and AI transforms data.